Please click on the link below for a statement from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Good Friends working right along side of us
Even the family dog!!!
Look at those adorable boys!
Teaching our children to stand for what is right.
to everyone for all your time, endless energy, your $$$, positive attitude, your fasting and prayers, and the yummy food you fed us while we did phone calling!
"Dear Brothers and Sisters,
It is difficult to find words adequate in expressing my gratitude to the many people in our stake who have risen to the call of prophets and apostles and local leaders. I have personally witnessed many acts of sacrifice, consecration and dedication over the past few weeks. I know that there were countless additional similar acts that were done unnoticed or without fanfare. I truly marvel at the many ways in which people used their various talents and abilities to assist in this cause. I express my deepest and heartfelt appreciation to all who helped in any way.
I am humbled to report that the same spirit that impelled the people to respond to the Title of Liberty in the Book of Mormon, is alive and well in the Camarillo stake. There is nothing like a righteous cause to portray the depth and breadth of our determination and commitment. This has been a test of our faith and we have been equal to the task.
Let us not be like nine of the lepers healed by the Savior. We must be grateful to the Lord. We must be humble and gracious in the blessings which He has poured out upon us. We must be compassionate and understanding towards those whose circumstances led them to disagree with us - especially if they are members of the Church. In short, we must be filled with the gift of charity.
Lastly, we must continue to remember the purpose for the restoration of the gospel in these latter days. As great and important and consuming as our task has been over the last few weeks, we must now return with equal zeal to the great work of fulfilling our part of the Abrahamic Covenant: to bless the individuals and families of the earth with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I express, once again, my thanks and appreciation to all. I close with the scripture that was running through my mind all day yesterday, " Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed. " (D&C 123:17)
With Love and Gratitude,
President Blickenstaff "