Thursday, February 26, 2009

'DON'T TAKE DRUGS"...Advice from a 5 year old

Last weekend I was up in Utah visiting my family. My sister, Margaret, is always so great. She packs up all 6 of her kids, drags her husband, packs her car and drives 1 1/2 hours from Clearfield to Orem so we can visit. Saturday night they were packing to leave for home (I tried, unsuccessfully, to coax her into staying until Sunday morning so that she could see the late night showing of "Shopaholic"-AWESOME movie!!!!). ANYWAY...I came up to Ronan, my 5 year old nephew, and asked if I could have a hug before he left. He gave me a hug and then, very seriously, said these words to me,
"Don't take drugs! They will make you nauseous!"
I gave my best effort to keep in the snort and laugh that eventually came out. My sister was behind him so she could more easily hide hers. Michael was in the room and he had a good chuckle, too.
So that's my advice to you today-
Don't Do Drugs---They Will Make You Nauseous!
oh-btw-Ronan also says, "Aunt Debbie is the Boss". So, listen to the BOSS!

Monday, February 23, 2009

FHE Lesson:"The Trap" -The Dangers of Pornography

Tonight we had a FHE on the dangers of pornography. I based our lesson on a book I recently purchased from Desert Book called, "The Trap" by Karmel H. Newell. It is a great picture book with a carefully told message. I would highly recommend this book to anyone with young children.

I have become very concerned about the availability of pornography to children. As Jade and I have talked we have realized that the best defense is a strong offence. So I have done a lot of studying and educating myself on this topic. I admit, many times after my reading I feel nauseated and have a headache. But I keep going back to the fact that I have 5 precious, beautiful children and 3 of them are sons. I cannot wait until we have a problem to know how to handle the problem. I need tools in my tool belt NOW.

Our FHE went on longer than usual tonight. Jade and I wanted to be sure that our children understood exactly what pornography is and that they could talk to us anytime about it. We also told them that this would be one of several lessons on the topic that we will be having over the next year.

I learned some interesting things about how easily young boys can get "addicted" due to the developmental process of their brains. It's frightening.

I also recommend "The Drug of the New Millennium" by Mark B. Kastleman. It goes into the brain science behind Internet pornography use.

Grandma Time

4 Generations: Debbie, Kathy, Brittanie & Abby

While I was there we decorated Abby's room
Sugar & Spice

This is my BIG girl bed!Grandma Debbie holding Abby and Grandma Kane holding Lexi, Meg's daughter

"I am SOOO darn cute!"

Kisses from Grandma

Last weekend I was able to sneak away from my family and spend time with my ADORABLE granddaughter, Abby. I flew out Thursday evening and came home Sunday evening. We had such a GREAT time!!! Here are some of the photos from my trip.