The phone call we waited 5 months for!!! It was so great to hear Brandon's voice. I am embarassed to admit it, but I honestly didn't recognize his voice when he called. I said, "Who is this?" He started laughing and said, "Mom! You don't recognize your OWN son?!" He sounded like a grown man, not my little boy!
Brandon asked Jade to buy this book for me called, "Mommy, Do I Have To Serve A Mission?"
I read it out loud to the family just before Brandon's phone call. This probably wasn't the best idea as I cried as I read it and I was still a mess when he called!
Zachary is very artistic and made a beautiful card for me. He worked on this for a long time. It was perfect!
Little Brie made me a beautiful heart paper mache jewelry box.
I look like I'm still crying in this photo! It was a great day!
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